2 Year Sleep Regression
Your google search is leading you astray! Let me help you with the two year regression the right way!
1-0 Nap Transition
I recommended holding on to the nap until at least age 3 and often up through 4 years! You will know your child is ready to stop napping...
4 to 3 Nap Transition
Between 4 to 5 months your baby will transition from 4 to 3 naps, be ready!
Three to Two Nap Transition
Right around the time when sleep starts to become more predictable and by the clock (5-6 months), naps regulate (5-7 months), and...
How to Handle Naps When Sleep Training
When you are sleep training, naps are a whole different ball game than nighttime sleep training. I always recommend training for naps and...