Is it too dark?
"Too dark for me." That is what my little two year old yells as soon as we turn the lights out at night. Don't worry, it's not that dark,...
Favorite toys impeding sleep?
The other night my two year old woke up, for who knows why. No big deal, right? Sometimes it happens. Well the big deal part comes in...
Find your support and silence the haters.
If you haven't heard me say it yet, I am here to tell you, sleep training can be controversial. It's not the right choice for every...
Separation Anxiety and Sleep
Separation Anxiety. Well isn’t that a fun set of words? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Let’s break this down… Separation=apart from, usually in...
Will Sleep Training Even Help?
If you have ever or will ever talk to me about the sleep troubles your 16 week old all the way up to four year old might be experiencing,...
Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep Training?
It's time to address the elephant in the room: What does sleep training actually mean? If you've watched my free Q&A's on Facebook,...
Pacifier! Binky! Dummy! When it helps and how to ditch it when it doesn't
The wonderful and dreaded pacifier! I have been lucky, or maybe lazy, and my children have all liked the ones given to us by the hospital...
How to Handle Naps When Sleep Training
When you are sleep training, naps are a whole different ball game than nighttime sleep training. I always recommend training for naps and...
Sleep Training Methods and How to Choose the Right One for You
Sleep training doesn’t always mean you are “Crying It Out.” There are multiple sleep training methods and multiple variations within each...
Six Secrets to Successfully Sleep Train While Minimizing Crying
Sleep training is stressful. It doesn’t matter what method you choose, what kind of support you have, or how much chocolate you eat, it’s...