Come Meet Kelly

Kelly is a Certified Sleep Consultant. She lives in the SF Bay area with her three young children, husband John, and French Bulldog Teddy.
She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from the University of Colorado and was in the marketing world until the birth of her third child (Lolly). Becoming a mom wasn't easy for Kelly. Her first born had severe colic often times only sleeping 45 min at a time. Desperate for answers she began to educate herself on the subject of infant sleep. She started consuming all the knowledge from every sleep book she could find. After several unsuccessful attempts to sleep train her son on her own she discovered the wonderful world of sleep consultants. Soon after hiring someone she saw immediate results and was hooked! With the birth of her second child Kelly knew right away she wanted to work with a sleep consultant to get her daughter sleeping well!
With the birth of her third child she had to navigate severe reflux but was able to apply what she had learned to make her a great sleeper nonetheless. Kelly then decided to make her passion a career and attended the Family Sleep Institute where she got her certification. Through her experience with each of her three kids who all are very different sleepers and with different issues she loves to apply that knowledge to help families with what they may be going through.
Today she loves pursuing her passion of helping families get the sleep they need and deserve. She realizes this looks different for every family and loves to meet them where they are able to find what success looks like to them. Kelly continues to educate and stay current with the latest literature regarding sleep. She has seen first hand how much happier and healthier everyone is with the rest they need.
Our consultant, Kelly, was just the person we needed! We had no idea that our toddler (23 month old) was in such a sleep deficit. It was causing her to wake up earlier and earlier each morning, and wake up multiple times throughout the night for hours at a time. Kelly listened to us explain everything that was going on and she created a customized plan for us to follow. We stuck to the plan and loved the accountability that Kelly created by being available to us to ask questions and check in daily. We cannot believe how quickly our daughter started sleeping for 12 hours straight at night and is taking a nap on her own for the first time in months! We are so thankful for the time and care that Kelly took with us. Our whole family is so much more well rested and the tone in our household is completely shifted. I absolutely recommend Kelly and to parents that need sleep! -Lani, CO
Kelly is AMAZING. When I first had a phone consultation with her, I was in tears due to lack of sleep and anxiety due to our 2 year olds poor sleeping habits. We didn’t know where or how to start sleeping training her and thought it was too late. After a few days of working with Kelly our daughter WAS napping and sleeping in her own bed in her own room. We have our own time and our own bed back in the evening and our daughter is much happier now that she has good sleeping habits. Thank you Kelly! -Brenna, CA